Defining Practices is a cross-institutional initiative hosted by ArtCenter College of Design. The two-day authors' conference initiative was focused on addressing the emerging issues around design and research ethics including: design ethics in human subject engagement, IRB adoption and accountability, and institutional infrastructure for supporting emerging design research cultures in academic institutions. Initiated by the scholarship of Candice-Leigh Baumgardner, Sean Donahue and Arden Stern, the goal of this event was to launch a national conversation about the growing needs of art and design colleges in terms of human subject engagement, disciplinary ethics, institutional and academic infrastructures, and the research mechanisms needed to responsibly support and legitimize these engagements. The conference brings together leaders in design research and higher education to articulate the issues, identify gaps and opportunities, map best practices, and propose paths forward.
Candice-Leigh, Arden & Sean
the organizers
Download the Defining Practices Primer + Reader
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The two-day event will focus on articulating pressing issues and establishing a platform from which to initiate
a national discussion.
Shana Agid, PhD
Assistant Professor, Arts, Media and Communication, Parsons School of Design.
Candice-Leigh Baumgardner
Associate Professor and Director of Social Sciences, Department of Humanities & Sciences, ArtCenter College of Design. Faculty, Graduate Transportation Systems & Design, ArtCenter College of Design.
Elizabeth Chin, PhD
Professor, Graduate Media Design Practices, ArtCenter College of Design.
Sean Donahue
Core Faculty, Graduate Media Design Practices, ArtCenter College of Design. Visiting Scholar, Helen Hamlyn Center for Design, Royal College of Art.
Carl DiSalvo, PhD
Associate Professor, Digital Media Program, School of Literature, Media and Communication, Georgia Institute of Technology.
Laura Forlano, PhD
Assistant Professor of Design, Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology
Lisa Grocott, PhD
Head of Department (Design), Monash University. Director of THRIVING, a Design and Learning Research Lab.
Gwynne Keathley
Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Studies, Maryland Institute College of the Arts (MICA).
Joanne Kersh, PhD
Assistant Director of Research Services, Association for Independent Colleges of Art & Design (AICAD).
Joseph Kunkel
Executive Director, Sustainable Native Communities Collaborative. Visiting Eminent Scholar, Del School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment (SSEBE), Arizona State University.
Deborah Littlejohn, PhD
Assistant Professor of Design Research, North Carolina State University.
Pardis Mahdavi, PhD
Dean of Women, Director of the Pacific Basin Institute, and Associate Professor and Chair of Anthropology, Pomona College.
Stacie Rohrbach
Associate Professor, School of Design, Carnegie Mellon University. Area Head for the Communication Design Program.
Elizabeth Sanders, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Design, Ohio State University.
Arden Stern, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities & Sciences, ArtCenter College of Design. Faculty, Graduate Media Design Practices, ArtCenter College of Design.
Elizabeth Tunstall, PhD
Dean, Faculty of Design, Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD).
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Candice-Leigh Baumgardner
Arden Stern
Sean Donahue
Defining Practices has been made possible with the support of ArtCenter College of Design,
the Office of the Provost, the ArtCenter Library and the Shared Governance Research Committee.
Special thanks to Lauren Williams for her critical support in planning this event.